Continuing on the weekends of July 30/31 and August 6/7, the SCL Ladies of Charity are teaming up with our sister parish, St. Vincent’s, in sponsoring the annual collection of new school supplies.
These supplies will benefit students who come for meals at St. Vincent’s, the children whose families participate in the Let’s Start program, the students at the Lift for Life Academy and St. Frances Cabrini Academy in the city of St. Louis, and Blessed Teresa in Ferguson serving the homeless children in the Ferguson-Florissant school district.
Some suggested items:
· Backpacks
· Crayons, markers
· Pencils, pens
· Notebooks
· Composition Notebooks
· Folders
· Wide-ruled loose leaf paper
· Calculators (can be used)
· Glue sticks
· Scissors
Please continue to drop off your donations in the gathering space on the weekends of July 30/31 and August 6/7 in the labeled containers.
Thank you for your generosity!!