"Faith Formation and Academic Excellence since 1955"
Each year we have “Safety Awareness Day,” and watch videos/discuss/practice what to do in case of fire, tornado, earthquake and an intruder. Parents may view the same videos that their children will be seeing at the following website.
If we would ever need to evacuate the building, our “Rally Point” (term used in videos) is the SCL CHURCH. This is the location that the administration would use as the initial Emergency Command Post. If the Church was not a safe location, we would use the Mehlville Fire House at the edge of the campus.
Should the situation dictate, the school community may be moved, under the advice and help of First Responders, to Ronnie’s Plaza parking lot on South Lindbergh. The videos refer to this location as a “Reunification Point” since this is where parents would be able to pick up (be reunited with) their children.