An invitation from Deacon Tim:
“Serve the Lord with gladness!” (Ps 100)
Look around at the Mass here at St. Catherine Laboure. Feel the joy!
More and more families are back worshiping every weekend. If it’s 9:00 on
Sunday morning, our adult choir is once again leading us in song. Our lectors are back
processing with the priest and deacon. At every Mass, the Offertory gifts of bread and
wine are once again brought down the main aisle.
Guess who we want to rejoin us at Mass next, and soon? Our altar servers!
We have truly missed you – our 5 th -graders and older – assisting our priests and
deacon during Mass. Parishioners have asked often about you!
So, plans are underway for a reboot of the Server Ministry here at SCL. Join us!
For starters, let me answer some questions you and your family might have.
Why should I want to serve Mass? As Catholics, we believe Jesus Christ is truly
present at Mass; He comes in Word and Sacrament to strengthen us in holiness.
Because servers draw close to the altar in assisting the priest and deacon, I like to think
they represent everyone else in the pews. You might have an older sibling who once
served Mass here at St. Catherine’s. Ask them about their experience!
For our parents: Please talk with your children about their opportunity to “give a
little back” to our parish as a server. Consider the commitment and enthusiasm they
pour into their other worthwhile activities. Where do you want Service to God to rank
among their sports, dance, martial arts, and so forth?
Studies show strongly that children who serve Mass over a number of years
remain immersed in the Church later on as adults. Parents, what would your
enthusiastic support of your children as servers mean toward their life-long practice of
our faith?
When exactly will servers return? Following the Labor Day weekend, we hope!
But first, we must recruit new servers and train them. (Details on training TBA.) To
accompany this outreach, we will visit SCL school and PSR classrooms. Note: At this
time, we expect to use servers for only weekend Masses.
Who is eligible to serve? Both boys and girls, from both SCL school and PSR, in 5 th
grade and older are eligible. Historically, most of our servers have continued through
the summer following 8 th grade. And some of our especially dedicated servers have
continued through their high school years!
What exactly do our servers do at Mass? We ask you to arrive 20 minutes before
the start of Mass, to help with the setup. You’ll wear a white liturgical alb and a cincture
belt. Sometimes you’ll carry the processional Crucifix and assist the priest with some of
his prayers. You’ll help them receive the Offertory gifts of bread and wine.
How should servers dress for church? Like our other ministers who assist at
Mass, servers are asked to dress respectfully and modestly. A polo shirt with Dockers-
style pants is a can’t-miss combination. Girls should never wear high heels, because
they can be too risky for a fall.
How often will I be scheduled to serve? Once our roster is full enough to cover all
five of our weekend Masses, we expect to schedule you typically one weekend Mass per
month. Until that time, we might schedule you more often.
What if I can’t make it to my scheduled Mass? We know that calendar conflicts
do happen! So, servers are given a roster on which you can find potential “trade
partners” who share the same preferred Mass times. We expect families to find
substitutes on their own, reflecting their commitment to this parish ministry.
Kids, in John’s Gospel, it’s a youth, just like you, who supplies Jesus with the food
He uses to feed the vast crowd. We invite you to join in our Eucharistic Feast here at
SCL, “serving the Lord with gladness!”
Attached, please find an Altar Server application form.
Still have questions? Send me an e-mail!
Peace be with you,
Deacon Tim Woods
Alter Service Application